Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+

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Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+ - Immagine 0
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+ - Immagine 1
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+ - Immagine 2
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+ - Immagine 3
Coron distortion 15 vintage - clone mxr distortion+ - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

Bel clone Japan anni 70, piuttosto raro, del MXR Distortion+
Piacevolmente reso relic dal tempo, funziona alla perfezione e con un gran suono e volume.

La brochure lo descrive perfettamente:

" Distortion 15 has been developed to make beautiful distorted sound with your guitar, piano or other instruments. The distortion control makes
soft, precision distorted sound at lower level position, at middle level you
can get a tube amplifier type distorted sound and at higher level you can
get hard type distorted sound like Fuzz tone. This Distortion 15 has
much higher output, it about three times than ordinary other units.
So, you do not need to use a power booster unit for balancing
Normal/Effect levels, and also you may use this unit for a power
booster at lower side position: these meaning are depending on
your instruments output level. "

Effectsfreak lo definisce così:

“Extremely underrated, rare,
amazing 70s analog distortion. Similar to an early Rat in tone and
response but more defined. Great for driving 3rd’s, 5th’s with a single
note pedal. Nails ZZ Top type guitar playing as well as sustaining,
soaring leads. Stacks well with other distortions, overdrives or fuzzes
as well. Virtually the best kept secret out there.”

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Codice annuncio: #7787520Inserimento: 3 mesi faUltima modifica: ieri alle 17:59
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di oganimesh
marzo 2009
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Prato

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Benvenuto in Mercatino Musicale

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