Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424

USATO NEGOZIOCodice annuncio: #7841539

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Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424 - Immagine 0
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424 - Immagine 1
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424 - Immagine 2
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424 - Immagine 3
Fender American Performer Mustang Bass USATO cod. 35424 - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

With its easy-to-play 30¿ scale and thunderous, punchy sound, the Mustang Bass is the bass of choice in the hands of any rock, surf, and soul lover. The Fender American Performer Mustang Bass marks a return of the performance-defying form-with an exciting new look, modern tonal innovations, and an attractive American-Made price that is sure to please all bassists. In addition to the classic silky-smooth Fender Yosemite split single-coil, there is a Yosemite Jazz Bass bridge pickup to add more depth, grit, and versatility. The pickups are carefully calibrated, dipped in shellac to control feedback and integrated into the Fender Greasebucket tone circuit for added musicality. Add in a comfortable alder body and a fast modern ¿C¿ maple neck with rosewood fingerboard, and the Fender American Performer Mustang Bass is sure to be one of the best versions yet.

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