Ibanez S 1990 MIJ undefined *RARE MODEL & Finish* 540S 540 S540 *OUT 0F CATALOG*

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7805104

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Ibanez S 1990 MIJ undefined *RARE MODEL & Finish* 540S 540 S540 *OUT 0F CATALOG*
Ibanez S 1990 MIJ undefined *RARE MODEL & Finish* 540S 540 S540 *OUT 0F CATALOG*
Ibanez S 1990 MIJ undefined *RARE MODEL & Finish* 540S 540 S540 *OUT 0F CATALOG* - Immagine 0
Ibanez S 1990 MIJ undefined *RARE MODEL & Finish* 540S 540 S540 *OUT 0F CATALOG* - Immagine 1

Descrizione annuncio

Bought this guitar from a collector here in Italy I tried to get the story told and he said that he bought her on yahoo japan some years ago and this guitar was japan imported by him, so in simple terms this guitar seem to be a JAPAN SPOT MODEL with undefined rare finish I did some research and I have not found any similar coloring ; I assure you it doesn't look painted.. seems to be all stock except the pickups which have been improved with seymour duncans and added a switch to split them, it already came like this when bought from him. Those are all the informations about this guitar. At the back the guitar HAS NOT the typical neck crack it is only marks on the clear coat covering the handle (neck), see pictures.

All guitars we sell have been checked and adjusted for playability. The pictures in the listings are of the actual item so please have a look for an idea of the cosmetic condition. As they are used instruments they may or may not have some scratches or wear to the finish. Please note: We will not accept returns or refunds in the case of dents, scratches, or cosmetic wear that were orignally detailed either in the pictures or description. Thank you for your understanding.

Condition: Some scratches and marks. If you would like to know more about this specific instrument, or have general questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Codice annuncio: #7805104Inserimento: 2 mesi faUltima modifica: oggi alle 11:15
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di GuitarAlexx
novembre 2008
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© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Caserta

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