Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat

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Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 0
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 1
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 2
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 3
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 4
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 5
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 6
Ibanez Srms625ex Black Flat - Immagine 7

Descrizione annuncio

BASSO ELETTRICO 5 CORDE SRMS625EX To the newcomer, the multi-scale concept may appear a bit unusual, but the biggest surprise may be how comfortable players become within a minute or two of playing the instrument. The different fret-to-bridge distances enhance tonality, creating a better sounding bass. - Iron Label - The Iron Label line was originally developed with metal and nothing but metal in mind. We modded and tweaked until we got to the heaviest-hitting metal axes we\'ve ever built. They\'re purposefully spartan, and you won\'t find a feature here that doesn't contribute directly to a bone rattling, earth shattering tones these guitars pump out. Carrying forward that same philosophy, the next generation of Iron Label guitars take this raw metal energy to a completely new level. They sport totally blacked out looks, and their supercharged electronics amounting to some of the heaviest-swinging metal axes we\'ve ever produced. ****Product Features**** - 5pc Maple/Walnut neck The 5pc Maple/Walnut neck provides tonal clarity and superior attack. - Ebonol fretboard Ebonol is a synthetic material which is made from layers of black paper and phenolic resin. An Ebonol fretboard provides tight and bright sound. - Medium frets Medium sized frets enhance the accuracy of your notes. - Okoume body The Okoume body provides a bright and solid sound. - Bartolini® BH2 pickups The Bartolini® BH2 pickups provide a tight bottom-end, punchy mid-range, and smooth response. The dual-coil style configuration maximizes articulation and a long blade pole piece widens the magnetic field, providing balanced string-to-string pickup response. - Ibanez Custom Electronics 3-band EQ The Ibanez Custom Electronics 3-band EQ is our latest refinement on the concept of simple, straightforward, no-nonsense EQ control. The Boost and Cut for the Mid Control are each centered on slightly different frequencies, an innovation that delivers a preset range of the most favorable bass tone

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