Keeley Vibe o Verb

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7798064

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Keeley Vibe o Verb
Keeley Vibe o Verb
Keeley Vibe o Verb
Keeley Vibe o Verb
Keeley Vibe o Verb - Immagine 0
Keeley Vibe o Verb - Immagine 1
Keeley Vibe o Verb - Immagine 2
Keeley Vibe o Verb - Immagine 3

Descrizione annuncio

The atmospheres are Vibey, have Vibratoneness, and are Phasery….

This three mode reverb lets you hear what some of the most classic effects sound like on just the reverb. Allowing you to create new sounds and textures like never before.

This mode is like a vintage Brownface Amp or our DynaTrem, Harmonic Tremolo on the reverb. Imagine choppy waves of tremolo on your verb! All with the a delicious hint of Vibe! Dynamic Dimension Canyons?!

Pitch Bending Reverberation Machine. From mild chorus to spacey bayou tones! Too grande to call our modulated chorus, this is one for modern psychedelics. For this one you have to imagine maybe both the source and the reflective wall moving! Maybe even accelerating with respect to each other. Why didn’t we call this one the General Theory Of Reverberation?

Phaser Modulated Reverb. Maybe the most mild but in a way that lets you appreciate some of the space around notes. This notch filter in your reverb space gives the illusion of the reflecting wall morphing from carpet to wood, then to steel and then glass. Round and round. Get the idea? Dynamic reflections in an all new space.
Enjoy these “Lost Reverbs” Vibe-O-Verb, reverbs that never were….until now.

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Codice annuncio: #7798064Inserimento: 2 mesi faUltima modifica: oggi alle 18:17
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di tonybellardi
settembre 2023
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© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Imperia

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