Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7753895

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Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 0
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 1
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 2
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 3
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 4
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 5
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 6
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 7
Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Snare Drum - 2 Aug '65 - Immagine 8

Descrizione annuncio

Vendo, solo per il prezzo indicato, rullante Ludwig 14" x 5.5" Keystone "Jazz Festival" Sky Blue Pearl Agosto 1965, 3 strati mogano, verniciatura interna e sordina interna

Serial N° 205139


Il prezzo è giustificato dalla sua rarità (mai visto un altro in vendita in Europa)

!!!una perla rara non può valere come le altre perle!!!

"Back amongst Ludwig's line up again is the Jazz Festival. This drum just wants to be played, it's perfect tuned anywhere between High and Low and every stop in-between. The Jazz Fest is an 8 Lug 14 x 5.5 Snare. Like the drum from the 1950's this one has the Vintage '64 snare bed, 3 ply Legacy Mahogany Shell, twin lugs, 'Reso-Coat' white painted interior and the 3 step baseball bat tone control which is super fun to use!

First introduced to the market in the 1950s as the Buddy Rich Model Snare Drum, the Jazzfest took on its first form in the early 1960s as a 5.5" depth snare, the rest is now history.

14 x 5.5 3 Ply Mahogany Shell with reinforcement rings
8 Twin Lugs
Vintage '64 Snare Beds
Reso Coat white painted interior
2.3mm Hoops
Internal Baseball Bat 3 step tone control fitted
Keystone Badge
Sky Blue Pearl Finish
Made in the U.S.A.

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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di aclopercussion
aprile 2011
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Reggio Calabria

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