Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7810124

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Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R
Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R
Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R
Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R - Immagine 0
Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R - Immagine 1
Vendo 2x Roland CMU800R - Immagine 2

Descrizione annuncio

Vendo coppia di rarissimi Roland CMU800R. Dovrebbero essere funzionanti in quanto posseduti precedentemente da un vecchio user molto credibile. Vendo cosi come sono, non li ho mai provati. Uno dei due non ha le viti che tengono insieme il case. Cassette con sistema operativo incluse (per computer Sharp MZ1200). Esiste un kit per rendere questo vecchio gioiello MIDI. Per chi non conoscesse l'oggetto ecco una breve descrizione presa da vintagesynth:

The CMU-800 is a little four-channel mixer with internal preset voices and sequencer software for an Apple II or PC. There is a ribbon cable out the back with a card attached. It features analog synthesis with fixed sounds. Four note polyphony in the chord section, monophonic bass and melody synth sections, and an analog drum section.

The Chord/Melody section has only 1 sound. The drum section is similar to the TR-606 Drumatix, and the bass section is similar to the TB-303 Bassline (some limited adjustments in sound were possible via software). It has separate melody, bass, chord, rhythm, mix outputs. There's also 8 cv/gate outs to run external analog equipment by control voltages, and there's a click in/out. On the face it has knobs for portamento, Melody sustain & decay, Bass decay, and Chord decay. It also has volume level sliders for each of the instruments and a master volume slider. The software uses a similar music programming method as the MC-8 or MC-4.

Codice annuncio: #7810124Inserimento: 1 mese faUltima modifica: 1 mese fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di marco2099
marzo 2007
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© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Roma

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