Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck

USATO PRIVATOCodice annuncio: #7800721

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Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 0
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 1
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 2
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 3
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 4
Warmoth stratocaster flame maple neck - Immagine 5

Descrizione annuncio


I am French and I don't speak Italin, sorry... I have already sold and bought several pieces of gear here. I accept Paypal so the transaction is fully secured.

I am selling this beautiful Warmoth flamed maple neck from the 2000s. It has been well played and I have recently got it refretted by a professionnal luthier in Paris (the frets are new and the job has been well done). The Luthier also refinished the fingerboard in nitro. Apart from that, it shows small dings and scratches but nothing serious and nothing that might affects its confort and playability. The neck is straight, the trussorad works fine and the frets are new and well-dressed.

the specs are :
- medium C profile
- 9'5 radius
- 21 medium jumbo frets
- AAA flamed maple back with a AA flamed maple cap
- high gloss nitro finish
- fitted for 10 mm tuners (the holes from the previous set have been properly filled, see pictures)

The neck is in Paris France but I can ship it safely in Italy or all over Europe for 30€.


Codice annuncio: #7800721Inserimento: 2 mesi faUltima modifica: 1 settimana fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di tele68_80155
agosto 2021
Posizione del venditore
© OpenStreetMap
Provincia di Firenze

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