Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO

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Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO - Immagine 0
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO - Immagine 1
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO - Immagine 2
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO - Immagine 3
Warwick Proto, Nobbie Meydel bass, one of a kind, + FC, accessories. VG++ PROMO - Immagine 4

Descrizione annuncio

This is the Warwick Nobbie Meydel bass, and it is probably a Proto, one of a kind . This original model was codesigned by German player Nobby Meidel, and loved also by John Entwistle who were looking for an instrument based on the trendy Steinberger headless/small body design but made from "tonewoods", while John introduce the Alembic electronics and pups...He preferred.The neck is really solid and stable and it has the classic Warwick oil finish which makes it a joy to play. The ebony fingerboard is just perfect and is also a pleasure for your fingers. Warwick's frets (24 in this case, all of them easy to reach, other one up to 26 frets) are made from the same material as "German church bells" so you can expect perfect sustain and resonance as well as extra life from them...still now! Of course there's a two way truss rod good working. Also electronics ,the precious pre-wired Alembic preamp and pots are easily serviced. Conductive paint is used thoughout and just the right amount of wire and top notch parts, and contain the 9V power alcaline battery. USA made Alembic electronics and pups in PJ-Bass configuration are loaded. They are ultra quiet and effective, morfing sound thru the 2 volume and Q-tone pots. Anyway an Alembic with the Steinberger portability!!
This instrument comes with original sky-leather handbags and a custom Warwick Flightcase complete with tools, straps and original so effective custom stand.
They say this bass pre-ordered and configured by John Entwistle, used rarely in some traveling time as You see in the bref YouTube short playing interview presenting this bass idea playing in "Ride Low" in studio track (the 26 frets type He also have had).We not have sufficient certification of this resonable rumors. Item from a private collector, visit and sound... by appoitment. Request $ 4500, Thanks for looking!

Codice annuncio: #7632711Inserimento: oltre 3 mesi faUltima modifica: 1 settimana fa
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Annuncio pubblicato da
Il Mercatino di Anxur Gear Locker
ottobre 2012
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Provincia di Latina

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